Benefits of Adaptive Reuse of Old Buildings

  • Hasni Suryani Mat Hasan UiTM SERI ISKANDAR PERAK
  • Lilawati Ab Wahab
  • Dzulkarnaen Ismail
  • Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim
  • Hasni Suhana Mat Hasan


In order to achieve environmental sustainability, a great deal of effort has been made to reduce, reuse and recycle waste from almost everything. When buildings are abandoned and dilapidated, adaptive reuse can be the sustainable way to recycle and breathe new life into an existing old building. At the same time, appreciation and preservation of the architectural heritage significance can be sustained. An adaptive reuse of old building is the building modified to manage the conversion of old services and technology to a new building purpose or function as a result of development, while preserving the building's original fabric and structure. The objective of this study is to identify the benefits of adaptive reuse. In order to achieve the objective, the data was obtained from previous literature including journal and thesis. It is believed that this study can help organizations or individuals and ease them in adaptive reuse of old building in attaining environmental sustainability. The findings reveals that the adaptive reuse of old building not only benefits to the environment but also to the society. The outcome of the study is hoped to be future reference for the organizations or individuals interested in adaptive reuse of old buildings.
