Children’s Early Literacy Skills:

The Incongruity of Perceptions and Practices Among Malay Parents

  • Siti Khadijah Mohd Mohari
  • Nurul Jannah Ahmad Ghulamuddin
Keywords: Parental involvement, Early literacy practices, Parents’ perception


The academic achievement of children in school is influenced by several factors. Ample studies have revealed that early parental participation in literacy skills has been linked to better academic performance for children. However, research shows that the level of participation among Malaysian parents in their children’s literacy skills is still in moderate or low level. This study investigated the perceptions among Malay parents on their roles and practices in developing early literacy skills of their children at home. Additionally, it looked into the correlation between parental reading practices at home and parental education level. A set of questionnaires was given to the parents when they came to fetch their children at the end of the school session. They were given three days to complete the questionnaire before returning them to the classroom’s teacher. The results obtained show positive results regarding the perception of the parents towards their children early literacy practices. Majority of the parents believe that they are the first teacher of the children. However, their practices do not reflect their belief, and they need to provide more support to help their children.
